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Smykker Fluoritt AAA kvalitet - Anheng

Spar 15% Spar 15%
Opprinnelig pris 139,00 kr
Opprinnelig pris 139,00 kr - Opprinnelig pris 139,00 kr
Opprinnelig pris 139,00 kr
Gjeldende pris 118,00 kr
118,00 kr - 118,00 kr
Gjeldende pris 118,00 kr

Fluorite AAA quality drilled tumble stone pendant

Product specifications

Size 2.5-3.5 cm 

Material :Gemstone

Fluorite may have many colours, but in its pure form it is colourless. The colours are caused by various trace elements within the stone. This stone fits well into the present technical day and age, the time of new opportunities, technique and computers. Mainly where there is scientific research being done, it will improve concentration. It may even improve IQ. In places where people are hectic and need a lot of energy, mentally and physically, this stone has proven its effectiveness.

Purple fluorite has a strong effect on the solar plexus area. There it aids with rest and warmth, in case of cramps. For the “fatigue of the head”, such as an actual complaint, but also for pangs of love and other traumatic experiences, it may help by relaxing body and mind. It is particularly a good help with people with creative blocks. This stone is perfect in a prayer or meditation room.

Yellow fluorite is very relaxing for the solar plexus. When there is dementia or forgetfulness, for people with uncontrolled reflexes or other physical disabilities, yellow fluorite is a good support. Situations related to old sore, suppressed grief and emotions, may be relieved by this stone. It offers relief from lung problems, cough or mucous. It may help with manipulation or influencing situations, by strengthening self worth. Finally, it is a typical “group stone”, able not only to get a group of people on the same wavelength, but also lift their spirits onto a higher plane.

Green fluorite is relaxing when there is fear around the heart. It has also been proven to be a help with various allergies. Do you feel depressed without knowing how to get out? Try a green fluorite pendant stone. It will be able to tone you up, in a soft way. It brings you closer to your true self. Also excellent to bring peace and harmony into rooms where gloominess has been sticking for too long.

Comes without cord.

Above-mentioned information has not been acknowledged scientifically, but is based on experiences and results of users and therapists. When uncertain, always consult a doctor.


Fluoritt fokuserer, presiserer og sender energi. Styrker psykiske evner. Brukes til å forstå, inspirere, igangsette og samle energi om noe spesielt. Påvirker tredje øye. Fluoritt er for struktur og klarhet, utvikler logisk tenkning, kontakt med indre visdom under problemløsning, komme videre, kreativitet. Åpner og mykner veien mot bruk av andre steiner. Fluoritt fra latin, fluor el. ”å strømme”. Fargevariasjoner i fiolett, grønn, gul, blå, rosa og purpur.   


Fluoritt er en svært beskyttende og stabiliserende stein, nyttig for jording og for harmonisering av åndelig energi. Når du arbeider med de øvre chakraene, øker fluoritt intuitive evner, lenker menneskesinnet til universell bevissthet, og utvikler tilknytning til ånden. Fluoritt forankrer intuitiv innsikt på det fysiske planet, slik at mental og fysisk koordinasjon kommer i balanse. Fluoritt øker mentale evner, bistår i rask organisering og bearbeiding av informasjon, og kan bringe mental klarhet og stabilitet til ens ellers kaotisk situasjon. Fluoritt absorberer negative energier fra miljøet og er effektiv på Aura- og Chakra rensing. Fluoritt kan også skjerme brukeren fra psykisk manipulasjon. Fluoritt skal renses ofte.  

Chakra 6 og 7.  ( 3dje øye og krone )