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Orgonite Rosenkvarts Rose Quartz Pyramid With Copper Spiral

Spar 15% Spar 15%
Opprinnelig pris 590,00 kr
Opprinnelig pris 590,00 kr - Opprinnelig pris 590,00 kr
Opprinnelig pris 590,00 kr
Gjeldende pris 502,00 kr
502,00 kr - 502,00 kr
Gjeldende pris 502,00 kr

Orgonite Rosenkvarts Rose Quartz Pyramid With Copper Spiral

Orgone Pyramid with Rose Quartz
Combining the power of Orgonite with Crystal and Pyramid energies. Here the Orgonite Pyramid embraces genuine Rose Quartz Chips. The Clear Crystal in Copper spiral is an extra conduit to higher energies. Rose quartz promotes gentleness and love and stimulates positive emotional interactions. Rose quartz teaches how to love oneself (again) as well as others.
The Rose Quartz is a beautiful loving compassionate shade.
Copper Spiral in one face aids with chanelling the energy.

Product specifications

Size 6.5-7 cm

Material : Mineral


Rose Quartz

Peace, Love & Self Acceptance


Orgonite pyramids

The shape of the pyramid with its corners and points makes it ideal for attracting and removing energy. This pyramid is provided with the Flower of life – symbol. The sacred geometry of the Flower of Life: a symbol that can be found in different esoteric movements. It’s a powerful spiritual symbol full of mathematics. With her 19 circles she is currently known for her use within the New Age movement. She represents the unity-consciousness.  This functional decoration pieces has a size of 40 mm. This functional decoration piece has a size of 40 mm.

Rose Quartz and Crystal

the stone of love. Self-love, but also compassion and thereby promotes acceptance, forgiveness and tolerance. This is mainly used by people with a short fuse: it helps to control anger and deal with stressful situations. It also has a favorable effect on the heart and blood vessels.
The clear crystal quarts has a strong healing effect and is ideal for energetic and healing work. It protects your aura against radiation and cleans the chakras so that they find their balance again. This is one of the most neutral and pure stone and therefore helps to adopt an impartial neutral attitude. She makes an ideal combination with orgonite, as she absorbs, regulates and releases energy.


Orgonites and electric smog.

Orgonite users believe that energy is transformable. This perspective gives us the chance to purify our environment from negative stimuli by transforming this energy into a salutary power. Orgonite works constantly without the need to unload and charge the stone.



You can place   these pyramids next to devices that emit harmful radiation to balance the   etheric energy. Many people benefit from the orgone energy fighting insomnia   and nightmares by placing the orgonite next to or above the bed. The energy   is attracted because of the organic material of the stone (casting resin) and   then it’s reflected by the inorganic materials (metal). The conversion into a   pure, positive flow is caused by this repetitive process in which the energy   is reordered.

Rosenkvarts (Rose Quartz) representerer kjærlighet og forhold. Rosenkvartsen bringer harmoni og kjærlighet, og hjelper deg med selvfølelsen. I tillegg kan den være til hjelp ved vanskelige omstendigheter, som kjærlighetssorg. Rosenkvarts fremmer også tilgivelse.Rosenkvarts er kjærlighetsstenen som gir plass til de rolige og blide følelser som fred , tilgivelse og skapertrang. Stenen symboliserer kjærlighet uten grenser, hjelper mot dårlige stråler og vibrasjoner.

Chakra 4  ( Hjerte)

Det er en lang tradisjon for å gi bergarter en symbolsk verdi til å la det påvirke underbevisstheten og ubevisste tendenser inne i oss,og sammen med kraften som alle levende ting (inkludert steiner) innehar gjør steinene til gode verktøy for vår egen personlig vekst og selvrealisering.
Mange tror at slike steiner og krystaller har forskjellige overnaturlige eller helbredende krefter, andre avfeier dette som overtro. Du kan velge en stein for seg selv. Slapp av og vær deg selv. Du kan lukke øynene, men du kan også ha øynene åpne, men ikke fokusere på annet utenfor deg selv.

Varen blir plukket tilfeldig fra de vi måtte ha på lager, se bildet for eksempel på hvordan de kan se ut. Farger og mønster på hver stein varierer -hver bit er unik.

* Ovennevnte opplysninger er ikke anerkjent vitenskapelig, men er basert på erfaringer og resultater fra brukere og terapeuter. Eventuelle helbredende egenskaper er ikke ment å være substituert eller behandlet av en kvalifisert terapeut eller lege.


With its ability to open and purify the heart, rose quartz is the most powerful stone for attracting love and peace. Furthermore, rose quartz helps one to both give and receive love, allowing one to perceive beauty of all kinds.