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Turkis -Halo Turquoise Orgonite star Flower of life

Spar 24% Spar 24%
Opprinnelig pris 99,00 kr
Opprinnelig pris 99,00 kr - Opprinnelig pris 99,00 kr
Opprinnelig pris 99,00 kr
Gjeldende pris 75,00 kr
75,00 kr - 75,00 kr
Gjeldende pris 75,00 kr

Turkis -Halo Turquoise Orgonite star Flower of life 

size: 35-40mm

Turkis (Turquoise) knyttes til god helse og beskyttelse. Turkis er styrkende, og hjelper mot fysisk og psykisk utmattelse. Den er særlig bra for halsen, øynene og immunsystemet. I tillegg styrker den kreativitet og kommunikasjon. Veldig fin i healingbehandling p.g.a. dens store innhold av kobber. Turkis gir klarhet i kommunikasjon, ansporer til samhørighet med andre, fører til større selvbevissthet og ”sanne ansikter”.

Chakra : 5 og 6,  (Hals og det tredje øye ) 

Orgonite pyramid helps to filter and balance energy fields in our environment and aid strengthening your body by converting the low frequency into higher frequency energy that is more beneficial for life forms including yourself, pets and plants.


✔Our Energy Generator Orgonite- is made on the same technology as Wilhelm Reich’s Orgone Accumulator.

✔100% Certified Genuine Material- Blue Aquamarine, Copper , Resin, Crystal Point and other Specific vibrative Stones.

✔Orgone Pyramid Blocks (EMF) Radiation - from your cell phones, wi-fi routers, computers and other electronic devices that expose CANCER causing RADIATION.

✔Balance Throat Chakra- Aquamarine balance and clear blockage of Throat Chakra to promote verbal self-expression. Also enhance spiritual communication and clear communication blocks.

✔Stress Reduce- Aquamarine has calming energies reduce stress and soothing, cleansing the inner psychic mind and relax your body.

✔Mastering Orgonite Positive Energy- by simply place our ORGONITE CRYSTAL PYRAMID in your home or being near these devices you will feel lots of positivity. In reality, you will dive into a large amount of Orgonite positive energy ocean. This is also known as Chi, Prana, and Zero point energy.