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Ametyst Ttromlet Medium Sett 300g

Spar 15% Spar 15%
Opprinnelig pris 469,00 kr
Opprinnelig pris 469,00 kr - Opprinnelig pris 469,00 kr
Opprinnelig pris 469,00 kr
Gjeldende pris 399,00 kr
399,00 kr - 399,00 kr
Gjeldende pris 399,00 kr

Ametyst Ttromlet Medium Sett 300g

AAA- kvalitet 

Product specifications

Weight grams± 300 ( ca 40-50 stones)

Material : Mineral

Size cm 1,5-3 

Size cm  M



Power & Protection

Det er en lang tradisjon for å gi bergarter en symbolsk verdi til å la det påvirke underbevisstheten og ubevisste tendenser inne i oss,og sammen med kraften som alle levende ting (inkludert steiner) innehar gjør steinene til gode verktøy for vår egen personlig vekst og selvrealisering. 
Mange tror at slike steiner og krystaller har forskjellige overnaturlige eller helbredende krefter, andre avfeier dette som overtro. Du kan velge en stein for seg selv. Slapp av og vær deg selv. Du kan lukke øynene, men du kan også ha øynene åpne, men ikke fokusere på annet utenfor deg selv.

Varen blir plukket tilfeldig fra de vi måtte ha på lager, se bildet for eksempel på hvordan de kan se ut. Farger og mønster på hver stein varierer -hver bit er unik.


* Ovennevnte opplysninger er ikke anerkjent vitenskapelig, men er basert på erfaringer og resultater fra brukere og terapeuter. Eventuelle helbredende egenskaper er ikke ment å være substituert eller behandlet av en kvalifisert terapeut eller lege.


Amethyst is a semi-precious stone, which is known for centuries and is commonly used in jewelry purposes. The stone is basically in purple and violet shade. Amethyst is popularly known as the birthstone of February. It is one of the various forms of quartz crystal. It is available in many countries around the world.

However, the quality of amethyst gemstone is different according to the areas and its origin. The name Amethyst is derived from the Greek word 'amethustos', saying "not drunken". The origin of amethyst name and its healing properties is originated from a history of Greek mythology. Since antiquity, amethyst stone was used as a gemstone by the ancient Egyptians, they used it for intaglio engraved gems. According to Greek, amethyst gems were useful in intoxication, during the medieval times amulets made of amethyst were wore by European soldiers for their protection in battle. They believed that amethysts help in healing as well as to keep people cool headed. The stone was also found in Anglo-Saxon graves in England.

Amethyst was actually used as a strong antidote against drunkenness that is why wine goblets were carved with this stone. According to a Greek myth, it is said that the Greek God Dionysus became angry with the insult of a mortal and swore to slay the next mortal that crossed the following path, creating fierce tigers to carry out his anger. Dionysus met a beautiful young Amethystos who worshipped God Diana, who was on his way to pay tribute to Artemis. Her life was saved by Artemis, who transformed the maiden into a statue of pure crystalline quartz to protect her from the brutal claws. Dionysus wept tears of wine in regret for his action at the sight of the beautiful statue. Tears of God then stained the quartz purple that is the semi-precious stone of present day.

Amethyst is naturally available in clusters in a nodular stone. It is sometimes found in volcanic or small cavities in rocks. Amethyst color obtained by a combination of manganese and iron impurities. The purple color is due to the availability of manganese, while the existence of iron controls the intensity of color. Amethyst is found in different types of sizes and shapes. This semi-precious stone is unique in color. Amethyst gemstone belong to the quartz family and it consist of colors ranging from lilac to deep purple, including a reddish sometimes. The most valuable quality of amethyst used in jewelry is the stone with the dark shade and is transparent. It may fade in tone if it is highly exposed to sources which are light and they can be can be artificially darkened with suitable irradiation.


The name Amethyst comes from the Greek, meaning "not under influence". This is exactly what this stone help with: clarity of mind, uninfluenced by delusions. This effect was already known in ancient times, so in those times the stone was very valuable. Amethyst is an outstanding stone for meditation.