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Ka-Fuh Røkelse Daphne 50 pinner - Nippon Kodo

Opprinnelig pris 129,00 kr - Opprinnelig pris 129,00 kr
Opprinnelig pris
129,00 kr
129,00 kr - 129,00 kr
Gjeldende pris 129,00 kr

Ka-Fuh Røkelse Daphne - Nippon Kodo 
50 pinner

Dufter av små blomster og en følelse af våren.

Vi vet ikke hvordan de gjør det - de japanske røkelsesmestrene hos Nippon Kodo: Denne røkelsesserien har en liten fin røk, akkurat når man tenner den, men ellers står den bare og gløder og dufter. Man kan jo knapt kalle det 'røkelse', når det ikke er 'røk' - men kun den rene og rensende duft. Fine, sarte blomsterdufter - flyktige i vinden og i meget, meget ren og høy kvalitet. En hel pinne brenner i ca 25 minutter, men fordi det ikke er en trepinne i midten av røkelsen - der er kun selve røkelsen - så kan du på forhånd brekke et stykke av og dermed bestemme om du vil ha ca 12 minutter (en halv pinne) eller f.eks. ca 8 minutter (en tredjedels pinne) osv.


More About Nippon Kodo Incense
The Japanese incense company, Nippon Kodo, was founded over four centuries ago and originally began by producing high quality incense for the Emperor of Japan. The company has continued to thrive ever since, now accounting for more than 50% of the entire incense industry in Japan. The company have a great philosophy about the importance of celebrating incense and recognise that, although many people simply love the ability of incense to fragrance a room, for others, their use comes down to spiritual and religious traditions. In fact, Nippon Kodo say that, through the production of their traditional Japanese incense they aim to, ‘cherish the ancient traditions and values’. The ingredients of Nippon Kodo incense are all high quality and are sourced from around the world. Experts help locate and harvest the rare aromatic woods, natural gums, resins and other ingredients used to make their incense. Once acquired, the ingredients are processed by hand, and by machine, in their eight factories in Japan and Hong Kong.

More About Japanese Incense
Japanese incense (speaking in general terms) is refined, pure, light smoke and rich in natural ingredients such as sandalwood. They don't usually have the thin wooden stick centre that is often found in Indian and other incense sticks. They are normally pure incense right the way through the stick. They are often designed with meditation in mind. Due to the high quality manufacturing processes the incense goes through they can be a little bit more expensive than other incense on the market.