Mala Rosenkvarts - Mala Rudraksha and rose quartz with pink tass
Mala Rudraksha and rose quartz with pink tassel
Product specifications
Size 0.5 cm
Material : Gemstone
Material : Seed
Rudraksha is the divine gift of Lord Shiva for the benefit of humanity. Rudraksha means "Tears of Rudra" (Lord Shiva); they are the holiest items with mystical powers. For thousands of years, people have been using the beads for obtaining spiritual, material and medicinal benefits. It is believed that one who wears Rudraksha is untouched by sins, and is protected from all negativity. The natural electromagnetic properties of the holy Rudraksha beads have been found to improve the concentration, focus and mental stamina. According to Ayurvedic scriptures, wearing Rudraksha can have positive effects on the heart, nerves, and is good for relieving a person from stress, depression, anxiety, palpitations, high blood pressure. For the spiritual seeker this is a blessing in disguise, as the wearer of Rudraksha is able to achieve goals faster; also the effects of the rituals will be ten times more effective.
The string of beads is mainly used to count repeated mantras. So actually, it serves the same purpose as a rosary. Beads made of semi-precious stones, pearls, bodhi seeds or wood may serve all kinds of goals, like counting any kind of mantras, or other forms of prayer, bows, walk-rounds and such. The cord is the same for every mala, and should be made of nine threads, symbolising Buddha Vajradhara and the eight Bodhisattvas. The larger bead at the end stands for wisdom, realising emptiness, and the cylindrical bead on top of the large bead symbolises the void itself. Together, they symbolise the triumph over all adversities.
The Mala with 108 beads is used while reciting or singing the mantras. 108 is the ideal number for all kinds of purpose. It is important that our thoughts will be pure while reciting or singing the mantra. Mantra is the practical use of secret powers which may help our progress. Mantra means a collection of letters from the alphabet. The effect will be made by repeating the mantra over and over again; this becomes more profound as one continues this recitation. Essential is the sound that is produced while reciting. This sound creates a unique spiritual imprint on the person who is reciting. They say that a mantra is like a human being; there are various stages to go through before reaching the final effect: "Purification of mental impressions." There are various mantras with an inherent potential power; these may only be personally transferred from Master to initiate. These are the so-called "Siddha Mantras". Some Malas have two counting devices with pictures of Vajra and Bell. In Buddhism, the symbolic meaning of these images are "method and wisdom, the masculine and feminine principle." The animal bone symbolises transient state of all beings. These counting devices are used while doing a retreat, reciting 100.000 mantras.
Power & Protection
Peace, Love & Self Acceptance
Det er en lang tradisjon for å gi bergarter en symbolsk verdi til å la det påvirke underbevisstheten og ubevisste tendenser inne i oss,og sammen med kraften som alle levende ting (inkludert steiner) innehar gjør steinene til gode verktøy for vår egen personlig vekst og selvrealisering.
Mange tror at slike steiner og krystaller har forskjellige overnaturlige eller helbredende krefter, andre avfeier dette som overtro. Du kan velge en stein for seg selv. Slapp av og vær deg selv. Du kan lukke øynene, men du kan også ha øynene åpne, men ikke fokusere på annet utenfor deg selv.
Varen blir plukket tilfeldig fra de vi måtte ha på lager, se bildet for eksempel på hvordan de kan se ut. Farger og mønster på hver stein varierer -hver bit er unik.
* Ovennevnte opplysninger er ikke anerkjent vitenskapelig, men er basert på erfaringer og resultater fra brukere og terapeuter. Eventuelle helbredende egenskaper er ikke ment å være substituert eller behandlet av en kvalifisert terapeut eller lege.
PLEASE NOTE: Your set will be made for you from the tumbled stones and natural crystals we have available at the time of order, so there will be variations in colour, shape and texture to those shown in the poster.
The crystals in this set have been carefully selected to complement each other and to provide support. This is one of our 'stock' items, so the photograph is an example of the set we will put together for you.
*This information has not been scientifically proven, it is based on the experience of users and therapists. When in doubt about your health, consult a physician.