Hvit Salvie/ White Sage Clusters Salvia Apiana 15 gram
Hvit Salvie/ White Sage Clusters Salvia Apiana 15gram
Perfekt til rens, balansering og jording. Når du trenger en rens av deg selv og auraen din, gni hendene over røyken og før den over hele kroppen.
Når du trenger å rense huset ditt for negative energier eller drive ut onde ånder av gamle hus, åpne alle vinduer, tenn salvien og spre røyken rundt i alle retninger. Pass på å få med hjørnene!
Til rens av stein og krystall, klipp deler av salvien opp og legg det i en skål. Legg krystallen oppå, og salvien vil trekke ut all negativ energi iløpet av natten.
Til rens av gjenstander generelt, tenn på en kvist eller hele salvien, og hold det du ønsker å rense over røyken. Er gjenstanden for stor, kan du føre salvien rundt alle flater så godt det lar seg gjøre.
-Hold en skål eller et fat under salvien for å unngå at det drysser på gulvet.
-Salvien kommer surret sammen i en bunt. Tråden kan klippes bort og du kan bruke en og en kvist, som kan være greit til mindre rensninger.
White Sage
It is a plant found in high desert ecosystems and grows commonly in the Mountain West and California. Sage smudging is one of the purest and ancient techniques of cleansing a people, a person or space. Although Native American white sage smudging is the most popular form of it currently, it has nonetheless been used in other cultures as well.
What is White Sage used for?
For thousands of years, white sage has been believed to be a blessed, sacred, cleansing, cathartic, purifying and protective plant. Its leaves are whitish light green, and if the leaves are rubbed between the thumb and forefinger, you feel a revitalizing, cleansing and refreshing fragrance is released.
You encounter negative energy in all aspects of your life, and while your aura does an excellent job of blocking it, sometimes negative energy can begin to have an affect on your life. White sage can be used in a variety of ways to improve the strength of your aura.
How does Sage clear negative energy?
When you are highly sensitive, you will feel like every energy attracts you and you pick up other people’s things. If you are an empathic person, you not only sense people’s sentiments but are capable of sensing when they are in pain, physically or mentally. If you work with happy and cheerful people, good for you! But if you stay are around negative, sad and toxic people, you are in trouble.
People who are extremely sensitive feel dazed very easily. You can perform white sage smudging on various occasions, when you have had a rough day, after having an argument, if you are feeling sad, when you feel confused, when you just feel low on energy, when you feel astounded and when you feel negative about everything, when you move into a new house or apartment, when you start a new career, when guests arrive and leave, before meditation and when coming back home from jam-packed situations.
How do you cleanse your house with white sage?
White sage smudging is a when the leaves of the sage are burnt, and the smoke is focused on zones and spaces that need protection and clearing.
The notion of this act is that when you burn the leaves, you are expressing gratitude for its help, the spirit of the white sage discharges its energy of clearing and protection into the air around you, or onto the item that requires clearing.
As the smoke transfers through the area or over an item, the smoke joins itself to any thick, negative energy that is inside the object, space or being. When the smoke is cleared, the spirit of this plant transports the negative energy back to the spiritual light, and it may renew into something positive.
You can perform this smudging act on anyone or anything that needs cleansing. It can help you clear a room, a house or any property.